This might be a strange post, but I’m just looking for as much information as possible. I live and hunt in Nebraska, but so far it’s been mainly deer. My brother and I want to try antelope this year, and don’t really know where to start. We live in the severe eastern part of the state, and all the antelope units are far west. I’m hoping that some of you live out in western Nebraska, hunt western Nebraska, or just know more about western Nebraska than I do. What I’m wondering: where do you hunt? Is it public or private? Do you know any good public land? Does the antelope population increase the further west you get? What’s the best time to go, during the october season or during the late season? I assume out west, it may be more of a spot/stalk hunt, is that accurate? Anything else a beginner antelope hunter might need to know? Thanks in advance!
submitted by /u/jestyr7
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Source: Reddit