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National Deer Association’s Host Dr. Gino D’Angelo for December Beer and Deer Webinar

The National Deer Association (NDA) November Beer and Deer Webinar will feature Dr. Gino D’Angelo, Assistant Professor of Deer Ecology and Management at University of Georgia. Supporters can tune in today, December 8 at 7:00 p.m. EST for this month’s episode – Drugs and Tasers: Research to Train the Next Class of Deer Managers. To register for this, and other NDA Beer & Deer webinars, please visit the Beer & Deer webpage at

“Dr. D’Angelo is a wealth of information and seriously heavy hitter when it comes to everything deer knowledge and the science behind it,” said NDA President and CEO, Nick Pinizzotto. “He has been there and done that in the world of deer and we are thrilled to host him for this episode. As always, we encourage our supporters and listeners to tune in and not miss out on this great information.”

Dr. D’Angelo earned his B.S. degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from the Pennsylvania State University. He served as a biological aide with the Pennsylvania Game Commission and with the Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit working on various white-tailed deer research projects. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Wildlife Ecology and Management from the University of Georgia examining multiple aspects of white-tailed deer biology.

D’Angelo is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and worked for five years with the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services where he assisted government agencies, communities and private landowners to resolve conflicts with wildlife. For four years, D’Angelo served as the Deer Project Leader for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources where he was responsible for conducting management and research of white-tailed deer and elk statewide. His research focuses on the ecology and management of deer species. He and his students conduct studies aimed at improving deer population management, guiding science-driven management by state and federal agencies, mitigation of deer-human conflicts and enhancing knowledge of deer anatomy and physiology.

Join NDA the second Wednesday of every month to sit in with NDA’s staff and guests as they cover a topic related to deer hunting, habitat management, or the latest in deer research. Additionally, each episode includes a message from Nick Pinizzotto where he discusses everything from behind-the-scenes business at NDA, to important updates in grassroots conservation, advocacy and hunter recruitment efforts.

To catch up or watch previous episodes, please visit the Beer & Deer playlist on NDA’s YouTube channel

Join NDA and support their mission today, or sign up for their free e-newsletter to receive the latest on deer hunting and management at

About the National Deer Association

Formally launched on November 10, 2020, the National Deer Association is a non-profit deer conservation group that leads efforts to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Formed by combining the strengths of two long-serving, successful organizations, the National Deer Association has a combined 38 years of action that has changed deer management for the betterment of hunting and protected North America’s most vital and admired game species for future generations. Visit or follow @deerassociation on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

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Source: Huntinglife