
DENVER, Nov. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Gearo, the outdoor gear marketplace, launches the world’s first gear rental pass today, November 24th, through their network of 200+ outdoor retailers and 75+ cities. The pass gives customers an affordable way to access thousands of rental products. The categories that customers have access to include ski, snowboard, bike, kayak, SUP and camp gear that are available throughout the year.
Adventure seekers can choose from three different pass options with various gear rental perks. The “Ski Plus Pass” includes 2 ski or snowboard package rentals for resort skiing, plus six rentals (two bike, two kayak or SUP and two camp rentals). The “Experience Pass” includes 12 total rentals (three ski and snowboard, three kayak or SUP, three bike and three camp). The third option is the “Go Big Pass” and it includes 15 total rentals without category limitation, meaning customers can choose from ski and snowboard, biking, SUP, kayak, and camping categories. All passes give access to the newest gear on the market, completely vetted by Gearo’s outdoor retailers.
“Our two main goals have always been to make outdoor gear more accessible for people and to help increase our retailers’ revenue. We have seen strong indications towards a gear pass effectively accomplishing both of these goals. The pass is an incredible value for families with children who want to do activities, as well as people who want to experience top quality gear without paying the full price. We are stoked to launch it,” said Justine Barone, CEO of Gearo.
The pass will launch on November 24th with limited amounts available. For more information, click here or reach out to pass@gearo.com with any questions.
Gearo is an outdoor gear marketplace that aggregates retailer inventory and connects it with adventure seekers looking to participate in outdoor activities.
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Source: Huntinglife